• aiipphs@gmail.com

Our Vision

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Event Begins:Tue, 30 Nov -0001
Event Ends:Tue, 30 Nov -0001


The All India Institute of Public & Physical Health Sciences (AIIPPHS) of Education conducts its programs and activities guided by overarching Vision, Values & Beliefs statements. All are revisited periodically and revised, if appropriate.


The All India Institute of Public & Physical Health Sciences (AIIPPHS) of Education will be a world leader in the integration of teaching and learning, advancement of the knowledge base through research and leadership in service and outreach. Further, the AIIPPHS will be a world leader in preparing professionals who provide leadership and exemplary educational and related services to improve the lives of individuals in a changing and complex global society. Read our Conceptual Framework for the Preparation of All India Institute of Public & Physical Health Sciences (AIIPPHS) Personnel.


Academic excellence and integrity outstanding teaching and service scholarly research and professional leadership integration of teaching, research, and service individual and collective excellence diversity, equity, and social justice education of individuals across the life span and collaboration.


A literate and educated citizenry is vital to a democratic society. All people are entitled to a high-quality education, grounded in sensitivity to individual dignity, professional integrity, and a positive and nurturing environment. A dynamic education system fosters an equitable, productive economy in a global environment. Teaching and learning should be informed by scholarly research and effective practice. Institute improvement should be based on sound research, the application of theory as it relates to effective practice, policy development, and collaboration with practitioners. Interdisciplinary programs should be used to enhance human learning, growth, and development across the life span.